Thls kind of hose should be used for carrying high pressureliquid of construction machines, crane carrier. metallurgy and forging machines. mining equipment, boats and ships,plastIc machines,agricultrual machines, tool machines and other automation systems. The hoses permit carrying mediums such as hydraulic oil, heavy fuel, lubricant, air,water basic liquid (except castor oil and ester liquid).Mediums temperature: -40'C~+100'C.
1 .Rubber layers are made of special synthetic rubber. It possesses acharacteristic of oil-resistant heat resistant and aging-resistant.
2.The hoses can wlthstand hlgh prassure. Undar impulse the hoseperform very well.
3.When the hose is under impulse, pressure the body of the hoseremains firm, wlth mini form changes occurring.
4.1he hose also has excellent flexibility and failgue endurancecharacteristics.
5.Operallon ramperature: -40C+100C When workIngtemperature over +100 will reduation the service life of hose.